“I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your home.”
—Matthew 25:35
This is a ecumenical service operation comprised of 9 churches. Each church takes responsibility for providing the noon meal for one week on a 9-week rotational basis. We serve 25-50 meals everyday to people who would otherwise go hungry.
Basement Kitchen and Meeting Room of the First Congregational Church, 100 West Works Street.
Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers in several areas ...
We need people willing to cook;
make a salad or dessert to bring in;
set-up, serve, and clean-up;
and wash dishes.
You can choose as many days as you want during our week to serve.
We have fun! This is a wonderful opportunity to serve each other and change lives forever.
Please consider this ministry. It can be especially nice for a retired couple to do together.
Contact Carol Wagner-Parrott at 307-674-8160 to volunteer.